Java reflection exception
Java reflection exception

java reflection exception

It is possible to access the private methods and fields of a class using reflection. It helps in the creation of Visual Development Environments and class browsers which provides aid to the developers to write the correct code.Ĭons: Using reflection, one can break the principles of encapsulation. It is also possible to call methods, instantiate a clear or to set the value of fields using reflection. Pros: Inspection of interfaces, classes, methods, and fields during runtime is possible using reflection, even without using their names during the compile time. While the reflection provides a lot of advantages, it has some disadvantages too. Java reflection should always be used with caution. Let's see the simple example of forName() method. It should be used if you know the fully qualified name of class.This cannot be used for primitive types.There are 3 ways to get the instance of Class class. Returns the total number of constructors of this class.ġ1) public Method getDeclaredMethod(String name,Class parameterTypes)throws NoSuchMethodException,SecurityException Returns the total number of methods of this class.ġ0) public Constructor getDeclaredConstructors()throws SecurityException Returns the total number of fields of this class.ĩ) public Method getDeclaredMethods()throws SecurityException

java reflection exception

Loads the class and returns the reference of Class class.ģ) public Object newInstance()throws InstantiationException,IllegalAccessExceptionĨ) public Field getDeclaredFields()throws SecurityException Commonly used methods of Class class: MethodĢ) public static Class forName(String className)throws ClassNotFoundException

Java reflection exception